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Atlas Copco Energas: Upcycling Waste Energy with Industrial Heat Pumps

  • Door:
    Rasmus Rubycz
  • Datum:
    donderdag 13 oktober 2022
  • Tijd:
    15:00 - 15:30
  • Locatie:
    Praktijktheater Industrie
  • Upcycling Waste Energy with Industrial Heat Pumps

    Inleiding: From process heat to space or district heating these days, thermal heat makes up a significant portion of energy demand across Europe -- with about two thirds of that heat being produced using fossil fuels. As a result, industrial process heat is responsible for about 20 percent of CO2 emissions across Europe. Driven by electricity, turbocompressor-driven industrial heat pumps help to upcycle low-temperature waste heat sources (such as river water, sewage water etc.) Specifically, they support the upgrade of a waste or ambient heat source by increasing the temperature for further use in processes. 

    Spreker: Rasmus Rubycz, Market Manager New Energy in the Gas & Process division

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